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Freedom of expression

World Press Freedom Day Commemorations – 30 years on!

The year 2023 has seen the bulk of the southern African countries making positive steps in the rankings of the Reporters Without Borders Index. Of the 15 countries that were ranked, six slid down the ladder of rankings. One of the six that had a negative movement is Namibia dropping from position 18 to 22 yet maintaining the number one position in Africa. 

MISA Regional World Press Freedom Day Statement

Thus, the theme for this year’s World Press Freedom Day – Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights – is quite apt as it serves as a reminder of the centrality of freedom of expression in the enjoyment of all other human rights.

Region should pay attention to shrinking civic space

The summit was organised by Accountability Lab, Ford Foundation, WFD, NED, Alliance for Finance Monitoring, African Election Observation Network, Christian Churches Monitoring Group, International IDEA, Kofi Annan Foundation, Southern African Human Rights Defenders Network, The Carter Centre, Zambia, the European Partnership for Democracy, the European Union,  the Westminster Foundation, the African Election Observation Network and MISA Regional Office. 

Journalists free to cover the ZEC mobile voter registration exercise 

In his letter, Dr Moyo said the clarification sought would ensure that journalists are able to cover the registration exercise without hindrance as provided for by Section 61 of the Constitution which protects media freedom as well as Section 62 on the right to access to information.

Malawi should rethink its broadcasting licence regime

The Spaces of Solidarity platform, thus, calls on the government, through MACRA, to address concerns of high annual fees broadcasters have to pay to the regulator. These subscriptions are pegged in US dollars and the recent devaluation of the Malawi kwacha against the all major convertible currencies has made the licence fees more expensive and unsustainable for broadcasters in the country.

MISA Botswana elects new NGC

The elections took place four months after the annual general meeting in September 2022 was suspended as one of the aspirants for the position of chairperson of MISA Botswana was an active member and a position bearer in a political party – something that is an affront to the MISA Regional Network’s values.