Media freedom, independence and diversity

Media freedom implies having an independent and diverse media with the ability to make editorial decisions free from political or economic influences.

MISA advocates for media law reform and institutional and policy changes that further an independent, pluralistic and sustainable three-tier system of broadcasting as as outlined in the African Charter on Broadcasting.

The three-tier system means having community, public and commercial broadcasting that provide content for local, regional and national audiences. Such as system enhances diversity and can help combat the domination of state broadcasters and the exclusion of minority voices.

Community broadcasting

Community media is operated in the community, for the community, about the community and by the community. It is independent, free from political or commercial interference and can, therefore, facilitate public platforms for debate and discussion and promote social agendas.

The reach of community media, particularly radio, means it provides information and a platform of expression to remote, grassroots communities that may not be represented in other media. The main challenges community radio and television faces in the region are lack of legislation, regulation and infrastructure to support the establishment and licensing of community media, and the inability to sustain themselves beyond donor seed money.

Public service broadcasting

Public service broadcasting is created, financed and controlled by the public, for the public. It is neither commercial nor state-owned and is therefore free from political or commercial interference.

Public service broadcasting informs, educates and entertains. It is an essential part of a pluralistic, diverse broadcasting sector.

Media freedom news from our chapters

Condolence message on the passing on of journalist Lucy Yasini

Condolence message on the passing on of journalist Lucy Yasini

The passing of senior journalist Lucy Yasini will undoubtedly create a void in the number of female journalists who report from the ‘frontlines’ in the otherwise male-dominated Zimbabwean media landscape. Yasini was always in the thick of things, toe-to-toe with her...

MISA Regional 2023 Annual Report (Now Available!!!)

MISA Regional 2023 Annual Report (Now Available!!!)

Expression in the Age of Fragmentation The world is more fragmented today than ever. Strife is more pronounced at a global scale, with conflicts degenerating to armed conflict. The number of people living in fragile states is perpetually on the increase, while more...