Since its inception, the AMB has served as a trusted source of information on the state of media environments and key developments in freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and access to information in many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Freedom of expression
Welcome remarks to 10th Anniversary of the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists Africa Commemorations
Without wanting to preempt today’s discussions, may I invite you to remember the four Ps on the safety of journalists – Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnerships. This illustrates that we all have a role in promoting the safety of journalists from the media, civil society, the police and judiciary, and our governments.
MISA Regional Statement on International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists
This year’s commemorations should serve as a reminder of the commitments made under the UNPA to promote a free and safe environment for journalists and media workers.
MISA Statement on the launch of Namibia’s 2022 African Media Barometer
It is therefore critical to ensure that the findings and recommendations of the AMB do not end with its launches in respective countries, but that practical steps are taken to address identified challenges and shortcomings.
Cyber Violence against Female Journalists in Southern Africa
The survey forms part of MISA’s evidence-based advocacy to ensure the safety of journalists. It builds on international and regional efforts to ensure online safety for female journalists.
Concern over attempts to capture MISA
The young woman was part of a horde of newbies who, according to journalists at the meeting, had their membership subscriptions paid for by one of several controversial, influence-peddling entities around town, so that they could vote for one or the other of the candidates bidding for the chairmanship and other positions.
MISA Botswana holds AGM, postpones elections
This is a communique on the MISA Bostwana AGM and postponed elections.
Analysis of the Botswana Media Practitioners’ Association Bill, 2022
This is an excerpt from the analysis.
Walking in the footprints of a giant – tribute to former RGC member Fernando Gonçalves on leadership transition
Statement by Regional Governing Council Chairperson, Golden Maunganidze
MISA Zimbabwe and the Media Alliance of Zimbabwe Communique on the Draft Media Practitioners Bill
This is a Communique on the Draft Media Practitioners Bill