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Two freelance journalists assaulted by soldiers in Harare

Soldiers have assaulted journalists Munashe Chokodza and Leopold Munhende this evening, 24 June 2020, who were returning home from work. The duo was assaulted with military whips at the Warren Park shopping centre in Harare.

Uphold freedom of expression online, Zambian govt told

The Civil Society Organizations working group on Cyber Laws in Zambia is concerned with government officials’ threats to curtail citizens using social media platforms to exercise their freedom of expression.

Zimbabwe Cyber Bill should promote and protect digital rights

Following the gazetting of the Cybersecurity and Data Protection Bill, MISA Zimbabwe convened a capacity-building workshop on the proposed law in Harare with parliamentarians during which it highlighted its concerns with some of its provisions.

MISA mourns the passing on of trustee Dr Tikhala Chibwana

The MISA Trust Funds Board (TFB), Regional Governing Council (RGC), National Governing Councils (NGC) members and staff in all its National Chapters have learnt with great sadness of the passing of TFB member Dr Tikhala Chibwana on June 7, 2020, after a short illness.