Home 9 Media Violation 9 MISA calls for swift investigation of fatal shooting of Lesotho broadcaster

MISA calls for swift investigation of fatal shooting of Lesotho broadcaster

26 Jul, 2024

What happened

Pulane Macheli, a Lesotho broadcaster, was shot and killed on Saturday night, the second media worker to be murdered in the southern African nation in the past two years. 

Macheli, of MXXL Radio, was killed by unknown assailants as she tried to broker peace between warring Famo music groups. 

She was killed together with a popular Famo musician, Khopolo Khuloe, while two others were injured in the shooting.

Some Famo music groups are banned in Lesotho as they have been linked to gangsterism, illegal gold mining and killings in the country.

Following a spike in gang-related activities earlier this year, the government gazetted the Internal Security (Declaration of unlawful organisations) Notice, banning the Famo music groups. 

Macheli was reportedly trying to broker peace between the warring groups and had even hosted Khuloe on her radio show to discuss peace and unity among the Famo musicians.


MISA's position

MISA is shocked and outraged at Macheli’s shooting and demands a swift investigation into this shooting. The shooting of the broadcaster has a chilling effect on freedom of expression and of the media.

It is very worrisome that Macheli’s death comes barely two years after the killing of broadcaster, Ralikonelo Joki, who was shot as he left his workplace.

Delays in the investigation and prosecution of the culprits will embolden would-be other perpetrators of crimes against journalists and further entrench impunity. 

In that regard, MISA calls on the authorities in Lesotho to affirm their commitment to the safety and security of journalists and media workers.

Investigations into Macheli’s death should therefore be swift and transparent otherwise Lesotho risks the pariah tag of being a hostile and unsafe place for media workers.  

About MISA

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) was founded in 1992. Its work focuses on promoting, and advocating for, the unhindered enjoyment of freedom of expression, access to information and a free, independent, diverse and pluralistic media.

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Those affected:
Pulane Macheli
Number affected:
unknown assailants
Types of actors: