News and press statements
Media discuss investment in children
A lack of resources is among the reasons that governments are not meeting regional and international standards in child rights protection, cited Gugulethu Ndebele, Executive Director of Save the...
So this is democracy? State of media freedom in Southern Africa 2013
Since its foundation in 1992, the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) has been the primary advocate for media freedom and freedom of expression in southern Africa, issuing alerts on media...
Media must be free to report on political and security situation in Lesotho
MISA Lesotho, having followed the unfolding of political developments in the mountain kingdom of Lesotho since elections, had an extraordinary meeting on July 5, 2015 to, among others reflect on the...
MISA Lesotho launches guidelines on Child Reporting
On Friday, July 3, 2015, MISA Lesotho launched Editorial Guidelines and Principles on Reporting on Children at the Lehakoe Recreational Center in Maseru. The guidelines are designed to improve the...
African Media Barometer highlights deficiencies in media freedom in Botswana
Botswana’s democracy credentials have been put on the spotlight once again. In 2014 the Mo Ibrahim report ranked Botswana in eighth position on the category of participation and human rights in...
MISA brings children and media together on the Day of the African Child
To engage children in terms of celebrating the Day of the African Child, MISA organized a media flash mob under its Children and the Media project on June 16, 2015. The flash mob took place at MISA...
Children elect their 2015 – 2016 Child Ambassadors
MISA hosted the 2015 elections of child ambassadors under its Children & the Media project simultaneously in Windhoek, Namibia, and Maseru, Lesotho on June 13, 2015. Over 100 children and...
Zimbabwe to miss digitisation deadline
The Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) on 11 June said Zimbabwe will miss the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) digital migration deadline set for 17 June 2015. In an interview with...
Rafael Marques’ blood diamonds book online
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has decided to publish the Angolan journalist Rafael Marques de Morais’ censored book online. According to RSF, the book can be downloaded in English and in...