News and press statements

ACHPR Special Rapporteur engages Mnangagwa on ‘Patriot Bill’

ACHPR Special Rapporteur engages Mnangagwa on ‘Patriot Bill’

In a letter to President Mnangagwa last week, the Commissioner advised that the proposed law will have the effect of curtailing the exercise of rights such as media freedom and freedom of expression, the right to privacy, access to information, freedom of conscience, political rights, freedom to demonstrate and petition, and freedom of assembly and association.

Free Expression Climate Survey 2023

Free Expression Climate Survey 2023

This survey is part of MISA’s regional programme to identify the most pressing issues for free media, free speech, and a free expression in the digital sphere.

MISA Zimbabwe 2022 State of the Media Report (Now Available)

MISA Zimbabwe 2022 State of the Media Report (Now Available)

While Zimbabwe is commendably not among the African countries with jailed journalists, the country witnessed an upsurge in the number of cases involving the assaults of journalists at political gatherings/rallies, with some sustaining injuries for which they sought medical treatment.