This is an excerpt from the analysis.
Access to information
Walking in the footprints of a giant – tribute to former RGC member Fernando Gonçalves on leadership transition
Statement by Regional Governing Council Chairperson, Golden Maunganidze
MISA Zimbabwe and the Media Alliance of Zimbabwe Communique on the Draft Media Practitioners Bill
This is a Communique on the Draft Media Practitioners Bill
The 2021 MISA Regional Annual Report is now Available!
The 2021 MISA Regional Annual Report features country reports snapshots from Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The 2021 MISA Zimbabwe Annual report is now available!
Excerpt from the MISA Zimbabwe 2021 Annual Report
Namibia moves closer to access to information law
This is a communique on Namibia`s Access to Information Bill which is progressing to the National Council before it is sent to the president for signing into law.
MISA Zimbabwe, ZACRAS and MAZ communique on the Broadcasting Services Act (Amendment Bill) Writeshop
Communique on proposed amendments on the Broadcasting Services Act (BSA) during a law drafting workshop (Writeshop) held in Gweru
World Press Freedom Day 2022 Statement by Commissioner Ourveena Geereesha Topsy-Sonoo
This is a statement by Commissioner Ourveena Geereesha Topsy-Sonoo on the 2022 World Press Freedom Day
MISA’s indelible footprints during World Press Freedom Day commemorations
This is an article by the MISA Regional Secretariat Director on MISA’s footprints during the World Press Freedom Day commemorations
Worrying decline in media freedom in Southern Africa
Statement on Southern African countries ranking in the 2022 World Press Freedom Index