News and press statements
2024 Conference Resolutions on AI Regulation in the Age of Information Disorders
Progress made through the completion of the national artificial intelligence (AI) policy framework as part of efforts to accelerate digital transformation in Zimbabwe.
MISA engages ACHPR on indiscriminate attacks on Mozambican journalists
In his letter to Commissioner Topsy-Sonoo, MISA Regional Chairperson Golden Maunganidze said the organisation was concerned the government had (at the time of writing of this communique) neither censored nor condemned the attacks on the journalists.
Standing together in the fight against breast cancer
This year’s theme, No one should face breast cancer alone, speaks to the support and solidarity that women, including female journalists, need in fighting and surviving breast cancer.
Reflections on the Spaces of Solidarity (SoS) Conference Agenda
The strides we have made during our first three years have laid a firm foundation for the new advances we must and will make during the following years.
MISA Regional Chairperson`s opening remarks at the 2024 Spaces of Solidarity
We need to devise robust pushback strategies and responses in view of the rapidly shrinking civic space we have witnessed over the past few years. Stringent NGO laws have been enacted across the region, which require our collective attention and strategic responses to halt the shrinking and erosion of democratic civic space.
Zimbabwe’s considerable strides in enhancing right to access to information
MISA Zimbabwe is, however, concerned that some public institutions are still to appoint designated information officers and develop information disclosure policies as required by the Freedom of Information Act. This situation continues to undermine citizens’ right to access information.
Submissions to the All Africa Judges and Jurists Summit, Nairobi, Kenya, 18 September 2024
In a historic development, the AJJF brought judges and jurists from all continental regions to Nairobi, Kenya, from September 17th to 19th, 2014, as a holistic approach to strengthening the judiciary in an ever-evolving environment.
New era of improved connectivity and access to information as Starlink deploys in Zimbabwe
MISA Zimbabwe hopes that this development will provide internet access to rural and remote communities that conventional internet service providers have traditionally marginalised.
MISA commends Botswana for gazetting ATI bill
In a letter to the Minister for State President Kabo Neale Sechele Morwaeng, MISA commended Botswana for gazetting the Freedom of Information Bill and asked that the proposed legislation be prioritised.