Media freedom monitoring

Media freedom implies having an independent and diverse media with the ability to make editorial decisions free from political or economic influences.

MISA Chapters track media freedom violations which we publish here. We also collate these incidents in our annual publication, So This is Democracy which is available for every SADC country.

In conjunction with fesmedia Africa, MISA also publishes the African Media Barometer – a general analysis of the media landscape and press freedom trends in selected southern African countries.

Media freedom news from our chapters

Zimbabwe should stay the course in reducing media freedom violations

Zimbabwe should stay the course in reducing media freedom violations

This year’s International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists (IDEI), commemorated annually on 2 November, offers Zimbabwe the opportunity to reflect on how best it can improve its international press freedom rankings. The commemorations are being held...

MISA Regional 2023 Annual Report (Now Available!!!)

MISA Regional 2023 Annual Report (Now Available!!!)

Expression in the Age of Fragmentation The world is more fragmented today than ever. Strife is more pronounced at a global scale, with conflicts degenerating to armed conflict. The number of people living in fragile states is perpetually on the increase, while more...