Media, elections and good governance

Credible and fair elections are an essential element of democratic societies. During electoral periods the media play a particularly vital role. They act as a watchdog, ensuring greater transparency and accountability during the election process, providing citizens with information on their candidates, party policies and the elections process, and enabling them to make informed decisions when they cast their votes or engage in public debate.

To play their role, the media need both access to information and the freedom to freely and safely communicate their findings. Media and electoral bodies, therefore, need to work together to recognise the roles and responsibilities of each party and to acknowledge the necessity and importance of each other’s roles in delivering fair elections.

MISA’s role in fair elections

The MISA chapters play an active role in monitoring freedom of expression violations in their respective countries during the election period. They also advocate for governments to uphold the safety of journalists and their rights to freedom of expression and access to information when reporting on elections.

Media freedom news from our chapters